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Android App for wlan R/C of a Rover with APM

The "udpRC4UGV" App turns an Android device into an R/C transmitter for a rover with an Ardupilot Mega (UGV).
The app extends the proven user interface of the udpRC App with the additional elements and functions needed to interface with the Ardupilot Mega in a rover such as the selection of the flight mode. The app can be installed via the Play Store. The udpRC4UGV app is open source and released under a Apache License 2.0. The source code is provided through github.
User interface

The user interface of the udpRC4UGV app is pretty intuitive and straight forward. You can select one of four control modes by touching the respective screen button: button control, a virtual joystick, accelerometer (control by moving the device) and a combination between accelerometer and a slider. The wlan connection would be established once the mode has been selected.
For building your receiver please refer to the PiKoder/SSC wlan receiver page. The App is supported by PiKoder/SSC firmware versions > 2.04.